Analysis of changing nodes speed in MANET routing protocols QUALNET software
Gaurav Singh Rawat "Analysis of changing nodes speed in MANET routing protocols QUALNET software", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V46(9),471-474 April 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Mobile wireless nodes are considered in Mobile ad hoc
network (MANET). There is no centralized control
which controls these mobile nodes they are randomly
moved. MANET is organized and configured in a self
mannered and mobile nodes are connected with them.
Mobile nodes are received and forwarded with the help
of router. Routing in MANET is very critical issue so
that we are focus in this paper on the performance
analysis of routing. We compared four routing
protocols i.e. DYMO, FSR, RIP and ZRP. The
simulation tool which we are used is QUALNET.
Performance of these routing protocols is based on:
End to end delay, Throughput and Jitter. Deeply we are
discussing the performance under speed of the nodes.
The comparison is based on these routing protocols and
then at last the conclusion we will find out which
routing protocols works better in which situation.
[2] Comer and Douglas E., “Computer Networks and
Internet,” Prentice Hall, p.476, ISBN 9780136061274,
The comparison is based on these routing protocols and
then at last the conclusion we will find out which
routing protocols works better in which situation.