EEG-Based Brain Controlled Robo and Home Appliances
Ms Nanditha, Smt. Christy Persya A "EEG-Based Brain Controlled Robo and Home Appliances", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V47(3),161-169 May 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Brain Computer Interface (BCI) systems
are the tools which are proposed to help the
damaged people who are impotent of making a
motor response to interface with a computer using
brain signal. The aim of BCI is to translate brain
activity into digital form which performs as a
command for a computer. The BCI application can
be used in different areas like Education, Industrial,
Gaming and Medical areas. In my project, EEGbased
Brain controlled Robotic, and Home
automation using IOT has been developed using BCI
with the help of NeuroSky technology. eSense is a
NeuroSky`s quick fix algorithm for distinguishing
mental states. The ThinkGear technology in
NeuroSky mindwave headset fetches out the user
brainwave signal and removes the muscle movement
and atmosphere noise. For the remaining signals,
the eSense algorithm is then appealed, which results
in the elucidated eSense meter values. The fetched
brain signals are transmitted to the Microcontroller
via HC-05 Bluetooth module. The robotic module
designed consists of Arduino Microprocessor
coupled with DC motor to perform the control. The
attention level was used to monitor the direction of
the robotic and meditation level was used to monitor
the home appliances using IOT. The wireless BCI
system could allow the paralyzed people to control
their robotic and home appliances without any
difficulty, provided it is more increased, portable
and wearable.
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Brain Computer Interface, EEG,
eSense Technique, Robotic, home Appliances.