A step toward cryptography having high avalanche effect and PSNR with low cover file size and execution time
Archana Parihar, Prof. Amit Saxena "A step toward cryptography having high avalanche effect and PSNR with low cover file size and execution time", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V47(5),250-256 May 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
Data hiding is now a very potential area
of research. Cryptography is a technique that states
how you safe your information; it gives surety that
your information is only shared with the person who
is authenticated for the same. Steganography is a
method that helps exchange confidential information
such that nobody else can detect the existence of
confidential message in any file /image. In almost
numerous steganography algorithms, the authors
would add a confidential message inmost a cover file
without any encryption. But these types of
steganography procedures are not secure to the
extent that anyone can pull off the confidential
message from the cover file. To provide better
security, steganography method is used in
combination with a cryptographic algorithm so that,
even if anyone discovers the existence of confidential
information, it is still impossible to understand. This
work proposed a new encryption/decryption
algorithm/technique and after encrypting the
confidential message a new Steganography
algorithm is applied to hide that secret message
named HAEAPA( High Avalanche effect and PSNR
algorithm . This combination provides better
security for hiding confidential message and
formerly reduces time complexity.
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Security, Steganography, Encryption,
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