Image Data Classification using Hadoop Based on Semi Supervise Algorithm
Dr. Pratik Gite, Aditya Acharya, Udit Gupta "Image Data Classification using Hadoop Based on Semi Supervise Algorithm", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V47(5),270-274 May 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
In this paper, an technique is presented for storing and dispensation bulky satellite images by using the Hadoop MapReduce framework and HDFS(Hadoop distributed file system)by incorporate Remote Sensing image processing tools into MapReduce The huge volume of visual data in current years and their require for efficient and efficient processing arouse the exploit of distributed image processing frameworks in image processing area. So that up to the imminent years, numerous algorithms which have been bring in in the field of image processing and pattern recognition should believe the necessities for macro image processing in order to be salutation by the outside world. This paper provides an indication of distributed processing method and the programming models. . To proposed image data classification with hadoop based on semi supervise SVM learning algorithm. The experiment consequence illustrate that the proposed system can attain a enhanced consequence even dealing with big data volume.
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big data, Hadoop, yet another resource negotiator (YARN), parallel processing, remote sensing (RS).