Effect of Geometrical Plan Irregularities on RCC Multi-Storey Framed structure
Mangesh S. Suravase, Prashant M. Pawar "Effect of Geometrical Plan Irregularities on RCC Multi-Storey Framed structure", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V47(5),314-317 May 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
In these modern days, the structures are
involved with architectural importance and it is
highly difficult to plan with regular shapes. This
leads to planning with irregularity in the structure.
These irregularities are responsible for structural
collapse during earthquake. It is observed that in the
regular frame, there is no tensional effect in the
frame because of symmetry. But in case of irregular
structures due to the tensional effect between the
beam column joints failure occurs. Among the
different types of analysis, pushover analysis comes
forward because of its optimal accuracy, efficiency
and ease of use. In the present study, the behaviour
of G+10 storied R.C frame buildings with different
geometrical irregularities subjected to earthquake
load considered and volume of all building kept
same means all total number of rooms kept same in
all building models. Also total height of building
33m kept for all shape building model. Located in
seismic zone III is discussed briefly using ETABS
software. Gravity loads and laterals loads as per IS
1893-2002 are applied on the structure and it is
designed using IS 456-2000. Displacement control
pushover analysis is carried out.
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