A Study on Engineering Behaviour of Gravel Blended with Palm Oil Fuel Ashand Jute Fibre
Venu Motepalli, Dr.D.S.V. Prasad "A Study on Engineering Behaviour of Gravel Blended with Palm Oil Fuel Ashand Jute Fibre", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V48(2),78-84 June 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
Many gravel roads suffer from reduced bearing capacity mainly during soil frost thawing periods. The bearing capacity is to a large extent influenced by temperature and precipitation. To avoid the reduced bearing capacity, the gravel roads may be stabilized. Use of natural fiber in civil engineering for improving soil properties is advantageous because they are cheap, locally available, biodegradable and eco-friendly. The natural fiber reinforcement causes significant improvement in tensile strength, shear strength, and other engineering properties of the soil. Over the last decade the use of randomly distributed natural and synthetic fiber has recorded a tremendous increase. Keeping this in view an experimental study was conducted on locally available soil reinforced with Jute fiber. In this study the soil samples were prepared at its maximum dry density corresponding to its optimum moisture content in the CBR mould with and without reinforcement. The percentage of Jute fiber by dry weight of soil was taken as 0.5%, 1%, and 1.5%. In the present investigation the lengths of fiber was taken as 30 mm, 60 mm and 90 mm were considered for each fiber length. The laboratory CBR values of soil and soil reinforced with Jute fiber were determined. The effects of lengths of fiber on CBR value of soil were also investigated. Tests result indicates that CBR value of soil increases with the increase in fiber content. It was also observed that increasing the length of fiber further increases the CBR value of reinforced soil and this increase is substantial at fiber content of 1 % for 90 mm fiber length having diameter 2 mm.. Thus there is significant increase in CBR value of soil reinforced with Jute fiber and this increase in CBR value will substantially reduce the thickness of pavement subgrade. Palm oil fuel ash (POFA) in both cost-effective and environmentally friendly ways has potential applications in soft soil stabilization. percentage of palm oil ash i.e. 3%,6% and 9%.
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Gravel, POFA, Jute Fiber, Dry density, OMC, CBR Soaked & Unsoaked, and Direct shear.