Using Aquifer test pro 2016 for estimating Groundwater hydraulic Parameter for Sustainable yield
S.A Raji, F O ijigade., O Adelodun, O.A Oyewole "Using Aquifer test pro 2016 for estimating Groundwater hydraulic Parameter for Sustainable yield", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V48(2),85-87 June 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Groundwater is an important resources to mankind and its preferable to surface water due to the fact that it is not easy contaminated. The estimation of aquifer characteristic such as hydraulic conductivity and specific yield is very paramount in understanding groundwater flow and as well as used in the design of groundwater well (boreholes) in order to attain sustainable yiel . The aim and objective of this paper is to use aquifer test pro 2016 to estimate aquifer characteristic from pumping test carried out on site at University area, and compare the hydraulic conductivity result based on the Theis with Jacob correction formula, Neuman model and Boulton model. the value of hydraulic conductivity from the three methods is 3.59m/d, 2.042m/d, 1410m/d with average value of 471.8m/d. The analysis demonstrated that Newman method is more suitable than theis with Jacob correction method and Bolton method for Estimation of Groundwater hydraulic parameters of the weathered aquifer in the study area.
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Aquifertest pro 2016, Hydraulic Conductivity, Pumping test, Specfic yield, Sustainable yield.