Design Modification and Comparative analysis of Multistage Submersible Pump Diffuser
Prof. Naitik L. Mehta, Prof. Nikunj B. Vaishnav, Prof. Ronak M. Kamdar "Design Modification and Comparative analysis of Multistage Submersible Pump Diffuser", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V48(3),130-137 June 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
This paper is explaining safe design modification and analysis of diffuser to save material in production. The diffuser is used for flow directing properties by reducing the velocity and increasing the static pressure of a fluid passing in submersible pump. In Submersible pump each stage consists of a rotating impeller and stationary diffuser.
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Diffuser, Submersible Pump, Impeller.