Mechanical and Durability Properties of Self Compacting Concrete
Sakthi Ganesh G "Mechanical and Durability Properties of Self Compacting Concrete", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V48(4),193-199 June 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
The Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) was to be the future in the construction industry. To reduce the amount of cement in the concrete mix, fly ash was replaced in the SCC mix. The study deals with reducing the cement content in the SCC mix with replacement of 15%, 20% and 25% of fly ash. The concrete mix includes four mixes with one conventional mix and three mixes with replacement of fly ash instead of cement with different percentage. With the addition of Superplasticizers and Viscosity modifying agent (VMA) the concrete mix enriches the quality of workability in this study. The SCC thus generated was subjected for testing the mechanical and durability properties of the concrete. The testing includes compressive strength, split tensile test, flexural testing and rapid chloride penetration test. The result concludes, compared to the replacement of fly ash with the percentage of 25% and 20% the concrete mix with replacement of fly ash with 15% gives greater strength and more durable.
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Self-Compacting Concrete, Fly ash, Super plasticizer, Viscosity modifying agent.