Performance Analysis of Tellus68 Lubricating Oil on Hydro Power Turbo Generator

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2017 by IJETT Journal
Volume-48 Number-4
Year of Publication : 2017
Authors : Dr. Adaramola B .A, Rominiyi O.L, Afolabi S.O, Akinyoola J. O
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V48P240


Dr. Adaramola B .A, Rominiyi O.L, Afolabi S.O, Akinyoola J. O "Performance Analysis of Tellus68 Lubricating Oil on Hydro Power Turbo Generator", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V48(4),224-229 June 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group

Shiroro Power Station, Niger State, Nigeria had not been able to effectively generate its own quota of electricity to the Nigerian National grid because of frequent shut down of the turbo generators as a result overheating within the Upper guide bearing (UGB) with the use of Tellus 68 oil for lubrication of the generating units. This work involved laboratory evaluation of the performance characteristics of Tellus 68 to determine the effects on the temperature variation within the lower and upper guide bearing of the hydro unit. The procedures involved in the experiment were: determination of viscosity; flash point, pour point, neutralization number; water and ash contents. The equipment used for the tests consist of Chan U-Tube Viscometer; Pesky- Martens Closed Flash Tester; Brian Weigh Cylindrical Test Jar; Armfield Potentiometric Titrimeter; Pyrox Water Content Apparatus; Bausch and Loub Evaporating Crucible Electric and Muffle Furnace. Reagents used includes Alcohol, Potassium Hydroxide (KOH); Phenolphthalein Solution; Methyl Orange Solution; Alkali Blue Solution ; Ethyl Alcohol; Toluene; N-Xylene; Silicone Oil; Premium Motor Spirit; Chlorobenzene; Solid Carbon Dioxide; Ethanol; Pyrogallol and Zinc Oxide. The results experiments conducted through a series of ASTM/IP tests when compared with manufacturer’s specification shows that Tellus 68 Oil is suitable for effective lubrication of hydro power turbo generators.


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UGB, Tellus 68 Oil, Pour point, Turbo Generator, Neutralization Number, Flash point.