Comparative Study of Combinatorial 3D Reconstruction Algorithms
Abdelaaziz MAHDAOUI, Aziz BOUAZI, Abdallah. MARHRAOUI HSAINI, El Hassan SBAI "Comparative Study of Combinatorial 3D Reconstruction Algorithms", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V48(5),247-251 June 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
We present in this paper a comparative study between different combinatorial methods of reconstruction 3D from point cloud. Indeed, point cloud obtained experimentally from a laser scanner, we applied different reconstruction methods: Poisson, Marching-cube, Ball-pivoting and Alpha-shape. Our comparison criterion is based on the computation time as well as the quality of the mesh.Quality is obtained by the measurement of the compactness of the triangles which constitute this mesh. We then lay out the results obtained in the form of a summary table highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each method.
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mesh, points cloud, compactness, Poisson, Marching-cube, Alpha-shape, Ball-pivoting.