Thermo Mechanical Analysis of a Piston with Different Thermal Barrier Coating Configuration
Dipayan Sinha, Susenjit Sarkar, Samar Chandra Mandal "Thermo Mechanical Analysis of a Piston with Different Thermal Barrier Coating Configuration", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V48(6),335-349 June 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Performance of an automobile depends on various aspects. Engine performance can be enhanced by minimizing weight of the automobile and maximizing the thermo mechanical capability of the engine components, especially the piston. In the present work a piston has been analyzed numerically with a FEA software named ANSYS Workbench to evaluate its thermo mechanical capability under a predefined thermal and structural load. To enhance the performance of the engine, weight of the piston has been kept minimum by optimizing different dimensions. In this process of optimization the stress has also been kept under a certain limit and this process of optimization has been done in a software named SolidWorks. To improve the thermal performance of the piston different Thermal Barrier Coatings (TBC) have been imposed and their thermo mechanical performance have been evaluated through couple-field analysis in ANSYS. Many data has been generated regarding different dimensions of coatings with different material properties. These data may be used in further research to optimize material property and dimensions of Thermal Barrier Coating.
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FEA, ANSYS, TBC, Thermo-mechanical analysis, Solidworks, Optimization.