Ergonomics Aspect of Occupational Hazard in the Data Processing in a Typical University Medical Centre
Akinyoola J. O, Rominiyi O.L, Afolabi S.O, Adaramola B .A, Ikumapayi O.M "Ergonomics Aspect of Occupational Hazard in the Data Processing in a Typical University Medical Centre", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V48(8),440-445 June 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
The main objective of the study was to perform an ergonomic analysis of the work in the data processing sector of a medical centre. The administration has promoted quality of life for typists regarding the application of the discipline in particular in its physical domain. This category comprised of four groups of professionals and through the analysis, it was possible for the board to make recommendations for greater comfort and well-being for the employees. The research was characterized as descriptive and has an exploratory purpose by defining problems with a view to implementing corrective actions and it was possible through implementation of semi-structured interviews with the main focus of the study, typists and the administration of the institution, as well as direct observation in loco. The findings supported the proposed improvements, such as the replacement of some incompatible with their anthropometric measurements. Thus, the intention is for the organization to apply the knowledge generated, study carried out in promoting and preserving the psychological health of the staff and students of the institution.
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Ergonomics, Anthropometric, Comfort, Semi-Structured Interviews, Quality of Life.