Experimental Investigation of Gas Flow Rate Effect on Mild Steel Plates for Weld Porosity Prevention at GTAW Process using Interactive Factor Plots
Omoyibo – Kingsley, Queeneth .A., Osarenmwinda .J.O. "Experimental Investigation of Gas Flow Rate Effect on Mild Steel Plates for Weld Porosity Prevention at GTAW Process using Interactive Factor Plots", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V48(8),446-451 June 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
The optimization of gas flow rate , using Models, was used to obtain optimized values of other input process parameters for preventing porosity defect at Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) process. Interactive factor plots (IFP) were used to show the main effects of importance and interactive effect that affect the model most with a reference line drawn on the interaction plot indicating any effect that exceeds the line as a potential important effect to the model. Interactions occur when the level of a factor is dependent on the effect of a factor. using equations to obtain values of percentage dilution (%D), the values were greatly impacted by the interaction of gas flow rate which has been cross referenced by standard error and produced optimal outcome .In this study, Gas flow rate was dependent upon percentage dilution (solidification rate) of a weld pool, Gas flow rate protects the weld pool from contamination which can cause porosity in welds,Hence,this study is aimed at optimizing gas flow rate in order to establish a correct shielding gas flow rate that will be designed to provide the most efficient gas coverage and prevent gas wastage and in turn improve weld quality and prevent porosity.
Interactive Factor Plots (IFP)of gas flow rate and the main effects of gas flow rate,, showed the optimum values of gas flow rate to be 16 lit/min at a minimized percentage dilution value of 45.95% which was established in this study.
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Gas Tungsten Arc welding (GTAW), Gas flow rate (F), porosity defect, percentage dilution (%D) interactive factor plots (IFP).