A Study on the Effectiveness of Markov Analysis – A Tool for Human Resource Supply Forecasting
George C Mathew, Hareesh N Ramanathan, ArabhiP R "A Study on the Effectiveness of Markov Analysis – A Tool for Human Resource Supply Forecasting", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V49(4),244-249 July 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
Human resource is an important asset based on which the performance of company depends upon. To attain the organizational objectives it is important to have a human resourceplan. Human resource planning is the process of getting the right number of qualified people into the right job at the right time. It is a matching process between the supplies of people with the opening in the organisation. For this human resource planning process man power inventory is used. Manpower inventoryis the classification of characteristics of personal in an organization in addition to counting their number. The main objective of preparing manpower inventory isto find out the size of personnel available in an organization to work in various positions. To attain this objective an accurate manpower forecast is important. To forecast the internal labour supply there are different techniques and Markov analysisis one of the important technique. The study measures effectiveness of Markov analysis.
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Human resource planning, Manpower, Inventory,Markov analysis, Skills.