Implementation of Robotic Welding for the Improvement of Production Systems
A.Gnanavelbabu, P.Arunagiri, D.Dhanasekar "Implementation of Robotic Welding for the Improvement of Production Systems", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V49(5),304-309 July 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Implementing the robotic welding leads to increase in efficiency of the production system. To achieve this modern concept for implementing robotic welding was used in industrial environment. The multi-level industries use the main part of the production process in welding. The welding was carried out manually by the employees. At this process, many problems occurred in this method. So, it was decided to eliminate manual welding by introducing robotic welding. The robotic function was done in all the welding process. The manual welding is not suitable for the higher level industrial environment. Generally, industries preferred robotic welding. Robotic welding leads to the betterment for higher level industrial systems and a large amount of production welding process. Plan step by step process interconnected in welding. In this production system, finding out how to minimize the welding cost and to produce good quality welding and finally compare the manual welding with the robotic welding process. In many of the industrial cases, the improvement is achieved through the usage of robotic welding that leads to many cases to follow for improving higher level production in this robotic welding.
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Robotic welding, production process, manual welding, cost analysis.