Power Quality Enhancement for Future Household System Associated with Electric Vehicle Charging Station by using HSeAF
Amit Kumar, Ravikumar Rajalwal "Power Quality Enhancement for Future Household System Associated with Electric Vehicle Charging Station by using HSeAF", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V49(7),401-408 July 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
Power quality Enhancement in Households electrical devices is an important concern under consideration. An electrical device such as: -motors & drives, vehicle charging stations, cloud storage, PC Laptop, TV, Home Theater etc., has created a serious concern on the power quality of the future distribution power systems, where nonlinear loads have deteriorate the power quality. Hybrid series active filter is used to enhance the power quality in single-phase systems with crucial loads.
In this paper we are mostly going through energy management as well as power quality problems in the electric transportation. We also think about improving electric load connection to the grid. To overcome the drawbacks of the current harmonic distortions we implemented control strategy. This implementation is very crucial to avoid damages in sensitive loads from voltage disturbances, sags andswells due to the power system which is considerations in industrial implementation. This implementation on polyvalent hybrid topology will give permission to harmonic isolations as well as the compensation can absorb auxiliary power to grid. We are getting gains and delays for real time controller stability.
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Non-linear load, Hybrid series active filter, DVR, Fuzzy Controller, Real time control.