Retinal Based Disease Prediction using Deep Neural Networks and SVM Classification Techniques
R.Hannah Roseline, R.Jemina Priyadarsini "Retinal Based Disease Prediction using Deep Neural Networks and SVM Classification Techniques", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V49(7),437-444 July 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
In medical field, diagnosis of diseases is
competently carried out with the help of image processing.
So that the retrieval of the relevant data from the
amalgamation of resulting image is a hard process. Human
eye is an important organ that reacts to light and has several
purposes. The eye is composed of a number of components
which include but are not limited to the cornea, iris, pupil,
lens, retina, macula, optic nerve, choroid and vitreous. The
significant health issues among the senior individuals are
eye ailments. Retina is said to be one of the most important
internal component of the eye. Retinal images could be used
in several applications that help in diagnosing the disease
and human recognition. They also play a major role in early
detection of diseases related to cardio vascular diseases by
comparing the states of the retinal blood vessels. Retinal
Image Analysis (RIA) is a key element in detecting diseases
in patients. Applications of retinal images are diagnosing the
progress of some cardiovascular diseases, diagnosing the
region with no blood vessels (Macula).Retinal image
analysis is a complicated task particularly because of the
variability of the images in terms of the color, the
morphology of the retinal anatomical structure and the
existence of particular features in different patients, which
may lead to an erroneous interpretation In this work we
detect the blood vessels effectively by using deep Neural
Networks (NN) for segmentation and Support Vector
Machine (SVM) for classification and the diagnosis of
disease such as stroke, heart attack and cardio vascular
diseases. The experimental result shows a better accuracy in
predicting the disease.
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The experimental result shows a better accuracy in
predicting the disease.