Ontology Learning Process Using Fuzzy Formal Concept Analysis

  ijett-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2013 by IJETT Journal
Volume-4 Issue-2                       
Year of Publication : 2013


J.JELSTEEN , D.EVANGELIN , J.ALICE PUSHPARANI , J.NELSON SAMUEL JEBASTIN. "Ontology Learning Process Using Fuzzy Formal Concept Analysis". International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT). V4(2):148-152 Feb 2013. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group


Currently reliable and appropriate information is difficult to find on the Internet. Bayesian networks were used earlier for probabilistic reasoning of unknown values and for determining knowledge representation. Various probabilistic approaches were used to represent uncertainty information. Typically, fuzzy ontology is generated from a predefined concept hierarchy. However, to construct a concept hierarchy for a certain domain manually can be a difficult and tedious task. To tackle this problem, this paper proposes the FOGA (Fuzzy Ontology Generation Framework) for automatic generation of fuzzy ontology on uncertainty information. The FOGA framework comprises the following components: Fuzzy Formal Concept Analysis, Concept Hierarchy Generation, a nd Fuzzy Ontology Generation. We also discuss approximating reasoning for incremental enrichment of the ontology with new upcoming data. This project describes some evaluation of information retrieval system designed to support fuzzy ontology based search refinement. The objective is to implement generation and learning of knowledge representation using fuzzy logic and ontology for reasoning. Fuzzy logic can be incorporated to ontology to represent uncertainty information. Finally automatic fuzzy ontology g eneration is proposed for knowledge domains like semantic web .


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Intelligent Web services and semantic Web, ontology design, uncertainty, “fuzzy,” knowledge representation formalisms and methods, concept learning.