Study on Environmental impact on oil and gas activities in Ghana - Analysis by graphical approaches using Matlab
Ramaiah Thirumalai Kumar , Adu-larbi Sampson , Enweani Dorathy , Impakaboari Wokoma , Michael Adjetey Ablorh . "Study on Environmental impact on oil and gas activities in Ghana - Analysis by graphical approaches using Matlab". International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT). V4(3):344-348 Mar 2013. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group.
Environmental impact s are main factor in any country. This paper is focused about various types of impacts on oil and gas activities carried ove r in Ghana. We are studied different results for aquatic impacts on different ten areas around the country. pH and turbidity results given the polluted aquatic environment were analyzed by graphical values. Finally the effects of concentration of metals li ke Iron, cadmium and lead concentration with listed location are shown. Using standard methods Oil and grease value evaluated from the range of 6 to 44 mg/L. The graphical approaches are drawn using Mat lab 7.05.
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oil and gas activities, water q uality, environmental impacts, graphical approach