Natural Eye Movement & its application for paralyzed patients
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) | ![]() |
© 2013 by IJETT Journal | ||
Volume-4 Issue-4 |
Year of Publication : 2013 | ||
Authors : Yash Shaileshkumar Desai |
Yash Shaileshkumar Desai. "Natural Eye Movement & its application for paralyzed patients ". International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT). V4(4):679-686 Apr 2013. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
The noble aim behind this project is to study and capture the Natural Eye movement detection and trying to apply it as assisting application for paralyzed patients those who cannot speak or use hands such disease as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Gu illain - Barre Syndrome, quadriplegia & heniiparesis. Using electrophySiological genereted by the voluntary contradiction s of the muscles around the eye. The proposed system which is based on the design and application of an electrooculogram (EOG) based an e fficient human – computer interface (HCI). Establishing an alternative channel without speaking and hand movements is important in increasing the quality of life for the handicapped. EOG - based systems are more efficient than electroencephalogram (EEG) - based systems as easy acquisition, higher amplitude, and also easily classified. By using a realized virtual keyboard like graphical user interface, it is possible to notify in writing the needs of the patient in a relatively short time. Considering the bio pot ential measurement pitfalls, the novel EOG - based HCI system allows people to successfully communicate with their environment by using only eye movements. [1] Classifying horizontal and vertical EOG channel signals in an efficient interface is realized in this study. The nearest neighbourhood algorithm will be use to classify the signals. The novel EOG - based HCI system allows people to successfully and economically communicate with their environment by using only eye movements. [2] An Electrooculography is a method of tracking the ocular movement, based on the voltage changes that occur due to the medications on the special orientation of the eye dipole. The resulting signal has a myriad of possible applications. [2] In this dissertation phase one, the goal was to study the Eye movements and respective signal generation, EOG signal acquisition and also study of a Man - Machine Interface that made use of this signal. As per our goal we studied eye movements and design simple EOG acquisition circuit. We got effi cient signal output in oscilloscope. I sure that result up to present stage will definitely leads us towards designing of novel assisting device for paralyzed patients. Thus, we set out to create an interface will be use by mobility impaired patients, all owing them to use their eyes to call nurse or attended person and some other requests .
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Electro Oculogram, Natural Eye movement Detection, EOG acquisition & signal conditioning, Eye based Computer interface GUI, Paralysed assisting device, Eye mo vement recognization