Control of Moisture Content in Bagasse by Using Bagasse Dryer

  ijett-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2013 by IJETT Journal
Volume-4 Issue-5                       
Year of Publication : 2013


J.SUDHAKAR , P.VIJAY. "Control of Moisture Content in Bagasse by Using Bagasse Dryer". International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT). V4(5):1331-1333 May 2013. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group.


Sugar mill wet bagasse is used as a fuel in sugar industry worldwide. The moisture content on the bagasse is effort on the calorific value (CV) of bagasse and boiler efficiencies. Industries and research institutes have been working to reduce th e moisture content of mill wet bagasse.The average moisture content in the bagasse is 51.5%. Then the bagasse dryer was intsalled. Around 45% of wet bagasse was routed through the dryer. This paper discusses about the bagasse dryer installation and operat ion


[1] Cane Sugar Engineering, Peter Rein page nos. 621, 625 - 627
[2] Proceeding of 14 th International Drying Symposium, 2004, Brazil page nos. 994
[3] Handbook of Cane sugar Engineering, E. Hugot

Boiler efficiency, moisture in bagasse, gross calorific value, fuel gas temperature, bagasse dryer, mechanical methods, direct and indirect method.