Innovative Approach for Wireless Health Monitoring System Using Client - Server Architecture

  ijett-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2013 by IJETT Journal
Volume-4 Issue-5                       
Year of Publication : 2013
Authors : Ms. Poonam Agrawal , S. P. Hingway , B. P. Dharaskar


Ms. Poonam Agrawal , S. P. Hingway , B. P. Dharaskar. "Innovative Approach for Wireless Health Monitoring System Using Client - Server Architecture". International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT). V4(5):1343-1348 May 2013. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group.


Real Time Patients health monitoring system with wireless sensor network using soft computing is an innovative idea. It also generates predication on patient’s health condition based on summation of all medical records of patient . It offer s anytime and anywhere remote monitor ing of patients. In this wireless architecture , many to many relationship between client (patient) and server (doctor) are established and various types of communication scheme are used between them . Apart from monitoring patient’s health, wrist worn device provide few auxiliary functions that fulfil the living demands of patients and it uses various types of sensors to acquire continuous vital signs of patients including blood pressure, heart rate, SpO2 and body temperature. Transmission of this digital data over internet is done using general packet radio service to web server where database are stored . Generated predication will be display ed on web application . With the help of web application authorized medical staff and doctors can easily access patient’s medical graph and generated predication. Based on this the doctor can give advice message to patient instantly using internet service and set new threshold for various medical parameter if needed. A prototype system consist of data gathering, analysis, and emergency detecti on phase in distributed manner and PHP (hypertext pre - processor) based client server communication in which main server has centralized control over all entities.


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Wireless sensor network , Hypertext pre - processor server (PHP) , General packet radio service (GPRS), P rediction logic , web server