Bluejacking Technology: Overview, Key Challenges and Initial Research
International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) | |
© 2013 by IJETT Journal | ||
Volume-4 Issue-7 |
Year of Publication : 2013 | ||
Authors : Ratika Bali |
Ratika Bali. "Bluejacking Technology: Overview, Key Challenges and Initial Research ". International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT). V4(7):3020-3024 Jul 2013. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group.
The mobile phone technology has developed tremendously in the past forty years since its invention in 1973 owing to its unique, wiring sans and fixation free networked system. Mobile phones have been espoused as an everyday technology, omnipresent at every physical location. Initiall y used merely as a communicative device to facilitate a channel for mediated conversation, the usage of mobile phones has been diversified progressively. One such appropriation is bluejacking, the technique of relaying anonymous, unwanted and unsolicited s hort messages via vCard functionality over Bluetooth to Bluetooth - enabled devices using the OBEX (OBject EXchange) protocol. This paper provides an overview of the Bluejacking Technology .
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[7] Guide to Bluetooth Security, Special Publication 800 - 121, National I nstitute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce.
[8] Bluejacking ‘a harmless prank` By Stephen Whitford, IT Web Journalist.
[9] PocketMagic . Bluetooth BlueJacking. By Radu Motisan. September 16th, 2008.
[10] Bluetooth group drops ultrawideband, eyes 6 0 GHz, Report: Ultrawideband dies by 2013, Incisor Magazine November 2009 .
Bluejacking, Bluejac ka ddict, Bluetooth Exchange, OBEX, vC ard.