Concept of Green Concrete Using Construction Demolished Waste As Recycled Coarse Aggregate
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) | ![]() |
© 2013 by IJETT Journal | ||
Volume-4 Issue-7 |
Year of Publication : 2013 | ||
Authors : Prof. Chetna M Vyas , Prof. (Dr.) Darshana R Bhatt |
Prof. Chetna M Vyas , Prof. (Dr.) Darshana R Bhatt. "Concept of Green Concrete Using Construction Demolished Waste As Recycled Coarse Aggregate". International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT). V4(7):3160-3165 Jul 2013. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group.
The use of Recycle product is increasing with innova tion in present scenario. The utilization of waste product in the manufacturing of new product is a challenging job. The Natural Reso urce decreases in a short period and therefore the use of waste product is necessary. There are a number of old buildings and structure s are demolished today. The reuse of that demolished debris is a good solution to the problem of an excess of waste material. The studies on the use of recyc led aggregates have been going on for few years. Aggregates play important role in strength characteristic of concrete. This paper focuses on the possibility of the use of recycled coarse aggregate concrete as a new structural material. For that purpose a li terature survey for use of recycled aggregate concrete is studied. Recycled coarse aggregate (RCA) obtained from crushed concrete rubble and different demolished work. Instead of being stored, it can be reused in the building industry .Recycled aggregates are comprised of crushed, graded inorganic particles which are obtained from demolition debris. The aim of this research project is to determine the strength characteristic of recycled coarse aggregate concrete by using different percentage of recycled agg regates in M45 Grade. The results with 40% use of recycled coarse aggregates give workable, strong and green concrete.
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Recycled coarse aggregate, Recycled coarse aggregate concrete, compressive strength, workability , Green Concrete.