A. PAVAN KUMAR , B.JYOTHU NAIK , CH.VENKATA RAO , SADINENI RAMA RAO. "OPTIMIZATION OF CASTING PARAMETERS FOR CASTING OF AL/RHA/RM HYBRID COMPOSITES USING TAGUCHI METHOD". International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT). V4(8):3284-3288 Jul 2013. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group.
In the present work Taguchi method is used to optimize tensile strength and hardness of the stir casted LM 26 Al/RHA/RM hybrid composites. Taguchi’s L 9 orthogonal array is used for experimental design. Overall performance of the stir casting method is improved significantly by combining the experimental and analytical concepts and the most important parameter is determined on the result response. Hybrid composites are prepared by stir casting technique using three different parameters, stirring time, stirring speed, and weight fraction of the reinforcement particles. Better parameters for highest tensile strength and hardness to the castings are predicted by Taguchi technique and then composites are prepared at these parameters. The experimental and analytical results proved that the Taguchi method was successful in predicting the parameters that give the highest properties. From analysis of variance (ANOVA) test weight fraction is the most influential parameter on the tensile strength and hardness results of castings.
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LM 26 Al/RHA/RM hybrid Composites; Taguchi method; ANOVA; Tensile strength; Hardness.