A Novel Mathematical Approach for Optimization of Plastic Degradation
International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) | |
© 2013 by IJETT Journal | ||
Volume-4 Issue-8 |
Year of Publication : 2013 | ||
Authors : N. Aruna Kumari , A. Pavana Kumari , N.S. Murthy |
N. Aruna Kumari , A. Pavana Kumari , N.S. Murthy. "A Novel Mathematical Approach for Optimization of Plastic Degradation". International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT). V4(8):3539-3543 Jul 2013. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group.
Over the years, plastics have brought economic, environmental and social advantages. However, their popularity has also meant a rise in plastic waste, which brings its own economic, environmental and social issues. Of particular concern is the plastic soup that exists in the world’s oceans and seas, containing everything from large abandoned fishing nets to plastic bottles, to miniscule particles of plastic. With more and more plastics being employed in human lives and increasing pressure being placed on capacities available for plastic waste disposal, the need for degradable plastics and degradation of plastic wastes has assumed increasing importance in the last few years. Now a day there is a need to protect the earth from the harmful effects of pollution, so that the generations to come will be able to alive a decently healthy life. Every individual will have to take the onus on himself and work towards bettering the environment and keep the earth green and healthy. In this present fast growing society, we create too much waste and in particular too mu ch unnecessary packaging and we do not adequately recycle the waste we create. Being composed of toxic chemicals and most importantly a non biodegradable substance, plastic causes serious damage to environment during its production process and during its disposal process and pollutes earth, leads to air pollution and water pollution. At this juncture there is a need to minimize the plastic usage with optimistic combination of plastics to decrease the land fillings consequently various types of Environmental pollution. In this paper a mathematical model was obtained for the optimization of plastic degradation. At this juncture there is a need to minimize the plastic usage with optimistic combination of plastics to decrease the land fillings consequently vario us types of Environmental pollution. In this paper some plastic materials are considered with their some properties and given a combination to reduce their degradation time.
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Plastic, Degradation, Pollution, Modified Simplex Method, Toxic pollu tants