A new method for generating key for cryptography using Deterministic random number generator

  ijett-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2013 by IJETT Journal
Volume-4 Issue-9                      
Year of Publication : 2013


P PAVAN KUMAR , J MADAN KUMAR , M NEELIMA. "A new method for generating key for cryptography using Deterministic random number generator". International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT). V4(9):3915-3920 Sep 2013. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group.


Now a day’s communication has played a key role in each and every aspect of life. In communication the main problem is security and privacy of sensitive data. The data should be transmitted from sender to re ceiver without any loss of original information. There are many ways of secure communication. One of those techniques is Cryptography. In cryptography there are mainly two mechanisms. They are Encryption and Decryption. In Encryption the sender will conve rt the original message called plain text into cipher text which is unreadable. Encryption needs encryption key. This cipher text will be send through communication channel to receiver. The receiver needs to decrypt the cipher text into plain text by using decryption key. Here key plays main role. The security of the encrypted message depends on key (encryption and decryption keys, in symmetric encryption both keys are same). The key should be unpredictable, random, and nonlinear and hardware cost for gener ating key should be less. There are many ways to generate random keys. In this paper we are proposing a technique called Reseeding mixing Pseudo Random number generator simply RM - PRNG. Advantages of this RM - PRNG are low hardware cost, non linearity, and h igh throughput. This technique can be used in digital electronics & embedded testing, debugging, stimulation of digital signal processing hardware and digital to analog converters stimulations.


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PRNG - pseudo random number generator, LFSR - linear feedback shift registers , LCG - linear congruential generators , MRG - multiple recursive generator , RCU - reseeding control unit , RC - reseeding counter , ALG - auxiliary linear generator , PG - propagation and generation , EAC - end - around - carry , IC - internal carry , CLA - carry look ahead adder .