Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Vinay k m, Isaac Raju "Hybrid Electric Vehicles", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V50(2),93-95 August 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
The presented paper discuss the diffusion of Hybrid electric technology in vehicles. The hybrid engine in vehicles has the potential to reduce fossil fuel use, decrease pollution, and allow renewable energy sources for transportation. Conventional vehicles use gasoline or diesel to power an internal combustion engine. Hybrids also use an internal combustion engine and can be fueled like normal cars but have an electric motor and battery, and can be partially or wholly powered by electricity. Hybrid cars can be configured to obtain different objectives, such as improved fuel economy, increased power, or additional auxiliary power for electronic devices and power tools. Many technologies like regenerative braking, electric motor drive, automatic start or shutoff are being used in hybrid cars to make them as good as conventional vehicles.
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Electric motors, Battery, Regenerative braking, Hybrid engine.