Secure and Reliable Routing Protocols for Heterogeneous Trust Management Multihop Wireless Networks
Miss Komatwar Tejashwi Deepak, Prof V.R Chirchi "Secure and Reliable Routing Protocols for Heterogeneous Trust Management Multihop Wireless Networks", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V50(5),296-299 August 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
The aim of this paper provides E-STAR used for establishing stable and reliable routes in heterogeneous multihop wireless networks. The payment system in E-STAR used to reward the nodes which relay others’ packets and charges those that send packets from source to destination.The trust values depends on nodes’ public-key certificates and then develop two routing protocols to direct communicate between them and then highly-trusted nodes having sufficient energy to reduce the probability of breaking the route. E-STAR can stimulate the nodes not only to relay packets, but also to maintain route stability. Experimental results show that E-STAR can secure the payment and trust calculation without error. Simulation results show that routing protocols can improve the packet delivery ratio and route stability.
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securingheterogeneous multihop wireless networks, packet dropping and selfishness attacks, trust systems, and secure routing protocols.