Neuro-Fuzzy Scheduler for the Control of Real Time Spherical Tank Process
Boo. Poonguzhali, R. Vinodha "Neuro-Fuzzy Scheduler for the Control of Real Time Spherical Tank Process", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V51(1),51-56 September 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
PID controller is the simplest and best suited controller in process industries to maintain the process at the desired set value. But the linear controller needs adaptation mechanism to cope up with non-linear dynamics of the process. The aim of the proposed work is the real time implementation of the neuro-fuzzy scheduler to contribute the conventional PI control in the entire span of spherical tank process. Neuro-fuzzy integrates the parallel computation and learning abilities of neural network with the human like knowledge representation and explanation abilities of a fuzzy system. The best performance enhancement has been seen in neuro-fuzzy scheduled PI controller than conventional fuzzy scheduled PI control. The real time implementation is done in the laboratory spherical tank setup in MATLAB-SIMULINK environment using V-MAT interface card.
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Neuro fuzzy, scheduler, spherical tank.