Super Node Approach to Enhance Performance in Mobile Ad-hoc Network
Anzar Ahmad, Dr.R.C Joshi "Super Node Approach to Enhance Performance in Mobile Ad-hoc Network", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V51(3),120-124 September 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
The implementation of MANET for commercial purposes is not an easy task. Unlike other communication networks, wireless Mobile Adhoc Networks encounter many severe problems concerning routing, scalability and network management when the size of network becomes large. As a solution to these problems, clustering schemes are introduced for mobile ad-hoc network in order to organize the network topology . Many clustering techniques have been developed so far. Clustering is a method which divides large network nodes into small number of nodes which is known as clustering .Clustering improves network capacity and reduces the routing overhead and brings more efficiency and effectiveness to scalability and high mobility. Every cluster has one cluster leader which has much responsibility such as cluster maintenance, routing table updates, and the discovery of routes within the network. The other node named as gateway node setup the communication between two clusters. In this present approach the election of cluster head (CH) and gateway node separately has been removed completely. In the proposed technique cluster head node and gateway node is replaced by a solo node which is known as super node(SN). All the functions and responsibilities of cluster leader and gateway node is handled by the super node. An algorithm table is introduced in such a way that if super node goes down or walk away due to any reason then in the absence of super node which node will overtake the task of super node. This unique approach is simulated and compared with existing approach with the help of Exata simulator. The proposed approach reduces overheads and hence improve the overall efficiency and performance of the network.
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MANET, performance, efficiency, super node, scalability.