Heat Transfer Enhancement to Cooking Vessel in Hot Box Solar Cooker by Utilising the Energy Intercepted by Lid
Geeteshwar Sharan Varshney, Praveen Parihar "Heat Transfer Enhancement to Cooking Vessel in Hot Box Solar Cooker by Utilising the Energy Intercepted by Lid", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V52(2),118-125 October 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
Lid of cooking vessel intercepts maximum energy but it is not effectively transferred to food material because of thermal contact resistance due to uncertain contact between lid and cooking vessel. In order to utilise effectively the energy intercepted by lid in cooking food, two designs of lid have been developed. In first design, a circular ring of aluminium strip has been welded to the lid’s inner side such that the ring is penetrating into the pot contents (water here). In second design, a frustum of cone shaped lid has been used in which the surface of lid is in direct contact with pot contents (water here). Temperature of water in the pot in which first lid is fitted, leads by 8-9 ?C over pot with normal lid when the water temperature in this pot reaches 90 ?C. This is a significant improvement. Temperature of water in the pot in which frustum of cone shaped lid is fitted, leads by 3-4 ?C over pot with normal lid when the water temperature in this pot reaches 90 ?C.
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Box type solar cooker, Ringed lid, Frustum of cone shaped lid, Normal lid.