Structuring a Base line Research for Energy Efficiency of Transportation in Ecuador
Henry Acurio, Francisco Izurieta "Structuring a Base line Research for Energy Efficiency of Transportation in Ecuador", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V53(1), 48-51 November 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Transport is worldwide recognized as one of the biggest energy consumers, with 27% of total energy demand. It also consumes more than 50% of the world oil demand. Likewise, in Ecuador transportation consumes about 46% of the national energy total demand. This consumption is economically correlated, as transport is one of the main activities to promote economic development of societies; Therefore, it becomes a priority to project scenarios where transport accomplishes the economic development of the country in a sustainable way. In order to implement and promote the most desirable program for energy efficiency in transport, it`s mandatory to define a baseline that identifies Ecuador`s actual situation on research and technology for energy efficiency in transportation. As a consequence a proposed methodology to build up a baseline for research in energy efficiency is introduced in this document.
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transportation, energy efficiency, Base line, energy consumption, Ecuador.