Differential Evolution Technique for Determining Shortest Distance to Voltage Collapse
R. K. Shrivastava "Differential Evolution Technique for Determining Shortest Distance to Voltage Collapse", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V53(2),80-89 November 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
This paper describes an algorithm for computing shortest distance to voltage collapse for determination of closest saddle node bifurcation point (CSNBP) using Differential Evolution (DE) technique. A direction along CSNBP gives conservative results from voltage security view point. This information is useful to the operator to steer the system away from this point by taking corrective actions. The distance to a closest bifurcation is a minimum of the loadability given a slack bus or participation factors (PCM) for increasing generation as the load increases. CSNBP determination has been formulated as an optimization problem to be used in DE technique. DE is a new floating point coded evolutionary algorithm (EA). It differs significantly from other evolutionary algorithms (EA) in the sense that distance and direction information from the current population is used to guide the search process. It can handle optimization problems with any complexity since mechanization is simple with a very little effort put to tune the parameters. The performance of the proposed algorithm is tested on two standard IEEE test systems. The potential and effectiveness of the proposed approach are demonstrated.
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Voltage collapse, CSNBP, DE, EA, PCM.