An Efficient Two- Stage Block Coding Method for Compression Binary Images
Yasir Ali Matnee "An Efficient Two- Stage Block Coding Method for Compression Binary Images", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V55(1),41-44 January 2018. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Efficient image compression without quality loss is one of important problems of the information theory. This problem has a wide practical application. It is known that any digital image can be represented by a sequence of messages. The only requirement for these methods is the possibility of restoring an exact copy of the original image from a sequence of messages [1]. One of the ways of choosing messages is that the adjacent picture elements are grouped into blocks. Then, these blocks are encoded according to the probabilities of their occurrence. Thus, short codewords are used for the most probable configurations of blocks, and long code words are used for less probable configurations. The result is an average ratio of data compression. The block coding method makes it possible to obtain efficient compression binaryimages without losing quality. This paper considers the solution of this problem. We consider any binary image as many adjacent rectangular blocks of a certain size. Using the optimal Huffman coding we can achieve the highest data compression. However, in blocks larger than 3×3 a set of messages is very large, and the Huffman code becomes inefficient. In addition, statistical analysis of binary images shows that a block consisting of white elements has high probability. Based on this observation and applying the known optimal code, this paper proposes an efficient two-stage block coding method for compression binary images. We found the optimal block size at the first stage of coding. We have also compared the experimental results of the compression ratio with the proposed algorithm and the block algorithm JPEG. The results have confirmed the efficiency of the proposed method.
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binary image , block coding , compression ratio.