Recognition of Human Emotion from Heart Beat
Miss.Snehal Gaikwad S., Prof.A.B.Jagadale "Recognition of Human Emotion from Heart Beat", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V55(1),45-47 January 2018. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Body resistance is an important parameter. Which is widely used in analysis of mental stress, dehydration detection, total body water content analysis, body composition analysis and lie detection. The various methods like four probe method, two probe methods are used for analysis of body resistance. In this paper body resistance is measured with the help of constant current source method. The proposed system will map human emotions based on variation in body resistance. The proposed system consists of constant current generator, microcontroller based resistance variation detection system and personal computer based graphical user interface. Constant current in terms of few hundreds of micro ampere is allowed to flow through body. The voltage across two test point will be measured. Variation in the body resistance will cause changes in the voltage. This change will measured in different situation and plotted to map human emotions. Graphical user interface will be developed using software programming and analysis tool like MATLAB.
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Body resistance, Heartbeat, human emotions.