Effects of Thermal Annealing on Temperature-Dependent Current-Voltage Characteristics (I-V-T) of the Au/n-InP/In Schottky Diodes
F. E. Cimilli Çat?r "Effects of Thermal Annealing on Temperature-Dependent Current-Voltage Characteristics (I-V-T) of the Au/n-InP/In Schottky Diodes", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V55(2),105-108 January 2018. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
The Au/n-InP/In Schottky diodes fabricated using n-type InP (100) wafer and the current voltage (I-V) characteristics were calculated according to the sample temperature between 300-70 K with 10K steps after annealing the sample at 400oC in N2 atmosphere for 3 min. The values of the barrier height obtained from I-V measurements for annealed Au/n-InP/In Schottky diodes vary from 0.570, (300 K) to 0.034, (10 K) while the ideality factors vary from 1.008 (300 K) to 3.150 (10 K). The mean barrier height was found to be 0.75 eV and the Richardson constant (A*) values as 0.921 eV and 18.48 Acm-2K-2, respectively. It is observed that the barrier heigth values determined from I-V measurements increased after annealing at 400oC while the ideality factor values decreased. Temperature dependent barrier height values of annealed (at 400oC) Au/n-InP/In Schottky contacts is consistent with ?the barrier inhomogeneous model? of Schottky diodes. Because of accompanying two different mean barrier height values to the schottky diodes for the 70-150 K and 150-300 K temperature ranges, barrier height matches with the double Gaussian model of barrier height.
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Schottky barrier diode, barrier inhomogeneity, n-type InP, I-V-T characteristics