An Overview of Free Space Optical Communication
Sawhil, Swadha Agarwal, Yashasvi Singhal, Priyanka Bhardwaj "An Overview of Free Space Optical Communication", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V55(3),120-125 January 2018. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
In recent years, Free Space Optical (FSO) communication has gained significant importance in terrestrial applications and wireless communication. Atmospheric conditions prominently affect the performance of FSO system making them highly susceptible to degrading effects of atmospheric turbulence and pointing errors. In this review paper, basics of optical wireless such as its advantages, applications and challenges along with various channel models and modulation schemes employed in free space optical communication are discussed. Comparison between different modulation schemes in different atmospheric turbulences is provided for bit error rate, signal to noise ratio, power efficiency, etc.
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FSO, Optical wireless, Channel Modelling, Advantages, Modulation schemes, Pointing error, Atmospheric turbulence