Increase in Power and Torque of Engine with Dual Compressor Turbocharger
Rohit Soni, Roopesh Tiwari, Suman Sharma "Increase in Power and Torque of Engine with Dual Compressor Turbocharger", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V56(2),70-76 February 2018. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Turbochargers are mainly used to increase the engine power and torque. In this research work, modification has made on impeller of compressor and on turbine impeller. Here dual impeller compressor is used in which the faces of impellers are opposite. The face of first impeller is in the opposite direction of turbine while the face of other impeller is towards the turbine. These dual impellers are used for dual stage compression. Dual compressor turbo compresses air twice, compared to conventional single compressor turbo and generates high pressure inside the engine compared to single compressor turbo. This high pressure is used to create more power and torque by engine. Hence with this modification in compressor with dual stage compression, engine generates more power and torque at particular rpm. This turbocharger model has designed on CATIA software while flow analysis has done on ANSYS CFD.
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Impeller, Compressor, Turbine, CATIA, ANSYS CFD.