Real Time Transformer Health Measuring System using IOT Technology
R.Salini, R.Keerthana, R.Archana, K.Pooja "Real Time Transformer Health Measuring System using IOT Technology", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V56(2),77-83 February 2018. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Power assumes an imperative part in our life. Each snapshot of our life relies on power. Power has a few segments and hardware helping human to exchange and control the circulation as indicated by use. The most urgent hardware of transmission and dissemination of electric power is transformer. As a substantial number of transformers are circulated over a wide territory in exhibit electric frameworks, it`s hard to gauge the condition physically of each and every transformer. So programmed information obtaining and transformer condition estimating has been an imperative issue. This venture presents plan and usage of a versatile inserted framework to quantify stack streams, over voltage, transformer oil level and oil temperature. This is executed by utilizing on-line estimating framework utilizing Internet of Things (IOT), with single chip Arduino microcontroller and sensors. It is introduced at the dissemination transformer site. The yield estimations of sensors are prepared and recorded in the framework memory. Framework modified with some predefined guidelines to check unusual conditions. In the event that there is any anomaly on the framework, points of interest are naturally refreshed in the web through serial correspondence. This Internet of framework (IOT) will help the utilities to ideally use transformers and recognize issues before any cataclysmic disappointment happens. Consequently web based estimating framework is utilized to gather and dissect temperature information after some time. So Transformer Health Measuring will distinguish or perceive startling circumstances previously any genuine disappointment which prompts a more noteworthy unwavering quality and critical cost reserve funds.
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Embedded System, Server, voltage sensor, ultrasonic sensor, current sensor, temperature sensor.