Installation of Solar/Grid Powered Micro Irrigation Infrastructure in the Canal Commands
Neeraj Sharma, Rajeev Bansal "Installation of Solar/Grid Powered Micro Irrigation Infrastructure in the Canal Commands", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V56(2),84-86 February 2018. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
The water use efficiency in irrigation sector will be achieved by adopting integrated approach in water management by increasing the available supply with reduction in conveyance losses and by increasing the field application efficiency with use of water in Drip & Sprinkler Irrigation technology. This purpose will be served by Installation of Solar/Grid Powered Micro Irrigation Infrastructure in the Canal Commands by providing common infrastructure with components Community based water storage tank near outlet head, Pumping Unit (Grid/Solar Powered), Filtration units, HDPE pipe network/Hydrant/Outlet assembly, Valves etc with Drip/Sprinkler irrigation sets will serve this purpose. The Solar Power System is proposed to be connected with the utility power grid so that the energy generated by the solar modules, whenever not required for operation of the pumping system or is in excess of requirement, can be sent to the Utility Grid through bidirectional meter.
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Solar/Grid, Micro Irrigation, Canal Command, Irrigation Efficiency