VANETs: Basics, Issues and Challenges in its Practical Deployment
Shubham Kapoor , Surjeet "VANETs: Basics, Issues and Challenges in its Practical Deployment", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V57(2),61-66 March 2018. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Wireless networks are the networks that do not require any traditional cabling. These are of two types: Infrastructure networks and Infrastructure less or ad hoc networks. One type of ad hoc networks are Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs). VANETs are used in vehicular domain to provide Intelligent Transport System (ITS). Such networks are used in real time scenarios. In VANETs, vehicles communicate with each other as well as the central unit with the help of On Board units (OBUs) and Road Side Units (RSUs). This paper provides a brief description about wireless networks especially about VANETs. Since the nodes in VANETs are mobile, routing algorithms used in normal networks are not applicable. VANETs are still an emerging technology due to lot of issues and challenges in its practical deployment. In this paper some of the major issues and challenges are discussed to provide insight knowledge.
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QoS, routing protocols, VANETs, V2V, V2I.