Detection of Selfish Node Attacks using Dirichlet's Distribution in Cognitive Radio Networks
T.E.Abinaya, S.Rabia jebin "Detection of Selfish Node Attacks using Dirichlet's Distribution in Cognitive Radio Networks", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V57(2),98-102 March 2018. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Cognitive radio (CR) is an emerging technology that aims for efficientspectrum usage by allowing a secondary user (SU) to access a primary user (PU)spectrum bands on the condition that the interference caused to Pus is tolerable .Initially, Non- CR networks the power allocation strategy was designed to maximize theErgonomic capacity (EC) in a fading channel. In a CR network, the power allocationstrategy was modified in order to protect the Quality of Services (QoS) of the Pus fromthe interference caused by the SUs. Recently, Green communication is an inevitabletrend for designing a network, especially for a cognitive radio. In this project, for a green cognitive radio networks, the optimal powerallocation strategies are proposed to enhance the energy efficiency for the secondaryuser to maximize its ergonomic/outage capacity, under the average interference power along with average/peak transmit power constraint by using dirichlet's distribution. where a secondary user coexists with a primary user and the channels are fading.
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selfish node, Interference, cognitive radio networks