Image Enhancement using NHSI Model Employed in Color Retinal Images
Mr. R. Sathish Kumar, M. Nivetha, G. Madhumita, P. Santhoshy "Image Enhancement using NHSI Model Employed in Color Retinal Images", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V58(1),14-19 April 2018. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
To produce an enhanced retinal image using enhancement technique because uneven illumination, image blurring, and low contrast retinal images with poor quality are not useful for medical diagnosis. Here we propose a new image enhancement method to improve color retinal image luminosity and contrast which include improving the intensity of the image. Luminance gain matrix is done. Contrast is then enhanced in the luminosity channel of L*a*b* color space by CLAHE (contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization).A method known as nonlinear hue-saturation-intensity color model (iNHSI) to preserve color information of the retinal images is used. Image enhancement by the proposed method is compared to other methods by evaluating quality scores of the enhanced images. This model in color retinal image enhancement may be employed to assist ophthalmologists in more efficient screening of retinal diseases because we get clear image and enhanced image as a result which helps in development of improved automated image analysis for clinical diagnosis.
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Contrast enhancement, iNHSI gamma correction, L*a*b* color space, luminosity channel, retinal image.