A Novel and Reliable Multi Data Hosting Model Over Cloud
Vellanki Sree Divya, Ch. Kodandaramu "A Novel and Reliable Multi Data Hosting Model Over Cloud", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V58(3),114-117 April 2018. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
We propose an efficient model of secure data storage or hosting model over cloud. Millions of data components uploaded to server every day, duplicate copy of data components reduce the space of cloud drive. Cloud acts as resource area for data owners and various cloud service providers. In this model we reduce the duplication of the data components without violating privacy and privileges or access permissions of the while sharing between multiple data owner and two-level cloud service storage. The second indirect cloud service maintains the replication of the original uploaded files.Our protocol improves the confidentiality through secure hosting with efficient authentication technique and encoding model.Our proposed model improves the performance and maintains data confidentiality than the traditional approaches.
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Data Hosting, traditional approaches