Design and Development of Automatic Rotten Egg Separator-Image Processing Algorithm
K. Sethuramalingam, K.R. Vishal, V. Arun Kumar"Design and Development of Automatic Rotten Egg Separator-Image Processing Algorithm", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V59(2),113-116 May 2018. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Now-a-days the qualities of the eggs are the major issue in health care. So, we proposed a system where the quality of the eggs and their conditions could be identified. This system involves the development of a low cost machine vision system using webcams and image processing algorithms the defected eggs. The decision was based on the features extracted by the image processing algorithms. The shape features were used for detecting and it will be floated over the water, in case of rotten egg due to low density. If it captures the image it is noted that it has defective eggs, it would be separated. The inspection speed of 20 eggs per min was achieved by the algorithms and the prototype has been developed.
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Image Processing Algorithm, Surface detection, Buoyancy, Solenoid Actuator.