Flash Flood Forecasting using Different Artificial Intelligence Method

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2018 by IJETT Journal
Volume-59 Number-3
Year of Publication : 2018
Authors : Sangeetha.S, Jayakumar.D
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V59P225


Sangeetha.S, Jayakumar.D"Flash Flood Forecasting using Different Artificial Intelligence Method", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V59(3),140-144 May 2018. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group

Flash flood forecasting is a sudden occurance of flood in the absence of rainfall due to river discharge, dam breaking, ice and snow melts. Due to sudden occurance of flood it may cause several damages. To avoid the damages and to prevent people from damages several artificial intelligence techniques are used. From those techniques some of the techniques are combined and used to improve the efficiency and performance of the flood forecasting system. With the help of support vector regression volume of rainfall and moisture of the soil is calculated. Finally it may display alert message.

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Artificial Neural Network, Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System, Support Vector Regression, Soil moisture sensor.