Uniform Distribution of Aerially Dropped Sensor Nodes in Large Wireless Sensor Network Area
Avantika thaku, Devendra prasad ,Amit Verma"Uniform Distribution of Aerially Dropped Sensor Nodes in Large Wireless Sensor Network Area", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V59(4),168-174 May 2018. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
Wireless sensor network (WSN) is a basic solution to the remote monitoring problems. WSN faces unique deployment and positioning challenges when the deployment region is a large sized. Aerial scattering of SNs has emerged as a practical solution to large scale deployment problem. Such types of schemes are time efficient and can be used to achieve blanket coverage over the large region. But their stochastic nature desist them from achieving the optimal coverage.In this article a uniform distribution scheme for aerially dropped SNs has been proposed. It is an enhancement on the (Centrifugal Cannon based Sprinkler) CCS, which is a basic scheme for stochastic scatting of SNs in large scale regions. The main focus of this work is to increase the coverage achieved by the CCS with optimal number of SNs. This model uses the parachutes with different dimensions to float the SNs with different floating angles in order to reach their destined locations. The simulation results shows that the proposed scheme achieves better coverage than CCS. However, the time taken by both the schemes is same.
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