Design and Analysis of Exhaust Manifold Comparing Different Specifications
MLA Style: Gajendra Raghuwanshi, Abhay Kakirde, Dr.Suman Sharma "Design and Analysis of Exhaust Manifold Comparing Different Specifications" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 62.1 (2018): 42-45.
APA Style:Gajendra Raghuwanshi, Abhay Kakirde, Dr.Suman Sharma (2018). Design and Analysis of Exhaust Manifold Comparing Different Specifications. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 62(1), 42-45.
The exhaust manifold in an internal combustion engine is a very vital component affecting the performance of an engine. The engine’s volumetric efficiency is directly depended on its ability to push out the exhaust gases effectively to suck in more air for combustion. To effectively expel the exhaust gases, a good manifold is required and in cases of a turbocharged engine the manifold is even more important. The objective of this project is to analyze existing designs of exhaust manifold to establish a better understanding of the significance of various factors involved in its design process. The material and specifications are varied and results were compared in present paper.
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CFD, Turbo Charger, Main foil, Heat Flux, Fluid Velocity, Temperature.